
Exclusive Interview

1) Tell us about yourself: Why did you decide to work as a model? What got your interest in this career?

It was not necessarily my dream, I just got an opportunity that I was excited to explore and see where it will take me, I’ve had my ups and downs of course, but by the end of the day I’m really happy with the path I chose.

2) Tell us about your education: Have you attended fashion modeling courses? What related courses or studies have you taken?

I’ve never attended modeling courses or anything related, I feel like modeling comes from a certain look that brand’s like and fits their audience. You can always work on you craft, stay healthy and I’m sure some courses would help but I can’t judge since I haven’t taken one yet, although I’m open to it.

3) Why would you think you’re fit to be a model?

It was not necessarily my dream, I just got an opportunity that I was excited to explore and see where it will take me, I’ve had my ups and downs of course, but by the end of the day I’m really happy with the path I chose.

4) What do you do when not working?

It was not necessarily my dream, I just got an opportunity that I was excited to explore and see where it will take me, I’ve had my ups and downs of course, but by the end of the day I’m really happy with the path I chose.

5) Do you eat nutritiously? How often do you exercise or go to the gym?

I tried to eat on the healthier side, but I’m big on treating myself when I feel like it. I try to work out daily even if a little bit, stretching I the morning is sometimes all I need.

6) What makes you smile and what scares you the most?

I’m generally very happy person, I don’t need a lot to smile. A chocolate chip cookie will make me smile ear to ear haha. I used to say that failure scares me but I learned that it’s just a part of life and learning process.

7) What does success look like in this position, and how do you measure it?

Success means something different for all of us, we all have different dreams, goals and envision out future. That’s the beauty in each one of us.

8) What advice do you have for kids who want to be actors/actresses?

There will be a lot of rejection, no matter how successful you’ll become, you still have to face it. Don’t let it affect you, stay strong, stay confident and know who you are and where you came from.

9) Where do you think you will be in 5 years?

I have my goals and dreams like all of us, but I learned to keep them for myself and work on them in silence.

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