
Exclusive Interview

1) Tell us about yourself: Why do you want to work as a model? Why are you interested in this career?

Good question! The reason I love working as a model is that I can create art with a combination of my appearance, clothing, styling and a photographers unique shooting style, and create totally new looks and dynamics from shoot to shoot! Modeling gives you a unique ability to work with an infinite number of themes, styles, and even locations, it is not confined to one country or form of style!

2) Tell us about your education: Have you attended fashion modeling courses? What related courses or studies have you taken?

The question is, why wouldn’t I be? I am ambitious, aesthetically gifted, organized, punctual, and incredibly fun to work with! Being a model isn’t just a basic job, you have to have amazing people and social skills simply due to the fact you work with so many different people even to produce one shoot and let alone produce a shoot to get published! Being that I am a social butterfly and a perfect blend of all these characteristics there is simply no reason WHY I would NOT be fit to be a model.

3) Why would you think you’re fit to be a model?

Good question! The reason I love working as a model is that I can create art with a combination of my appearance, clothing, styling and a photographers unique shooting style, and create totally new looks and dynamics from shoot to shoot! Modeling gives you a unique ability to work with an infinite number of themes, styles, and even locations, it is not confined to one country or form of style!

4) What are your goals as a model? How do you see yourself progress in this field?

Good question! The reason I love working as a model is that I can create art with a combination of my appearance, clothing, styling and a photographers unique shooting style, and create totally new looks and dynamics from shoot to shoot! Modeling gives you a unique ability to work with an infinite number of themes, styles, and even locations, it is not confined to one country or form of style!

5) How do you communicate with people? Are you patient? Are you friendly? How open are you to clients’ requirements?

I believe my communication skills are impeccable, I am very much a pleasant person to work with and I am open to clients’ requirements within reason, meaning I will not do any vulgar, nude, or mediocre work that would undermine my unique reputation and brand as a model, it only takes ONE bad picture to completely ruin your image. As for patience, due to being a young woman in my 20’s my patience is not exactly at the highest level, but it is definitely decent as I know modeling isn’t exactly an efficient job, quality shoots take time, so do publications!

6) State your availability: would you travel? Work full-time, part time? Any hours?

Regarding my availability, I am an avid traveler, even with the pandemic I was able to safely travel and enjoy my life. As for modeling, it is a part time career of mine, my other career is as a top Real Estate Agent in Manhattan, I love both careers equally as they are both more fitting for individualistic personalities, the hours are flexible and catered to your specific goals and availabilities at the time.

Wardrobe Credits

Black sheer top: @laperla Heels @guiseppe Blue Lingerie: @meshki